What We Do

by providing high-quality music education right in their school classroom and working alongside them on their musical journey - all at no cost to students or schools

by increasing the level of their students' playing ability and providing consistent support in their classrooms throughout the school year

by paying them to do something they're passionate about - passing on their expertise and love of music to young musicians
Most of our work with students takes place in Clarke County School District classrooms during school hours. The school district generously accepts our support of students during regularly scheduled music classes, allowing us to work with small groups of music students as well as teach one-on-one lessons to increase students' ability level and confidence on their given instrument.
All of our work is free for students, their families and the school district. And since we come to the students at school where they are, there are no transportation or scheduling issues to keep students from benefiting from our help. All students who are present in their classes on the days we come to teach have the opportunity to work with us.
Our teachers work with participating programs on an every-other-week schedule. It's important to us to have regular contact with students to build relationships and offer continuing support throughout their music learning journey.
We are grateful for the ability to start hosting weekend workshops! Workshops will cover topics such as audition techniques, chamber music, performance anxiety strategies, music production, and more. We are working toward bringing musicians from across the country to Athens to work with inspire students, enriching their music education experiences outside the classroom.